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PSOhub Insights: The new watershed reporting tool for HubSpot Businesses


Savvy project managers and small business owners can gain a lot from a more holistic strategy. For professional service organizations, keeping sales, marketing, and project teams all siloed is quickly becoming a thing of the past.

All parts affect the whole, which is why the ability to access and analyze organization-wide data is so critical for growing businesses.

Historically, if you wanted to get a good data representation of that whole, you’d have to pull data from separate sources: your CRM, your financial backend, your time and expense, and your project management tool.

That’s all changed now for HubSpot service businesses with PSOhub Insights.

PSOhub Insights is a new, powerful reporting feature that’s included in PSOhub’s all-in-one project management suite

Now, HubSpot businesses that use PSOhub can get immediate visualization of both their project and their CRM data within HubSpot. 

Users can also have these visualizations, updated in real-time, displayed on the HubSpot dashboard to keep an eye on the metrics that matter most to their business and their particular role.

PSOhub Insights is totally free for PSOhub customers using the native two-way HubSpot integration for all plans.

Let’s talk a little bit more about why we’re so excited about this new tool!

Why HubSpot service businesses need PSOhub Insights

PSOhub Insights’ seamless reporting tool provides businesses with the transparent data that they need to see: 

It’s for owners to see clear revenue trends. It’s for project managers who want to dial in on their profitability with live data. Even team members need to be kept abreast of the business’s financial health. 

All of these roles within service businesses can benefit from marrying CRM data with project reporting. That’s why PSOhub Insights was created.

For HubSpot service businesses, the Insights tool provides value through its built-in reporting that relies on a powerful two-way sync. 

Between HubSpot and PSOhub, data is already seamlessly exchanged with native integration for all PSOhub users.

But now, PSOhub Insights lets you generate reports with project data directly in HubSpot:

The secret sauce is the large store of data that now lives together, from your financial software, your CRM, and your projects.

This powerful new tool helps HubSpot professional service businesses like IT service providers, marketing agencies, consulting agencies, and more. Here are the benefits of leveraging HubSpot Insights: 

  • Get more out of HubSpot - Maximize the potential of your CRM with powerful visual tools. PSOhub Insights lets you easily create your own reports customized to your day-to-day needs and areas of focus.
  • Better decision-making - Lean into data-driven decision-making with key metrics of your business’s financial health at your fingertips. Simply select the reports you want in your dashboard to keep your eyes on the prize. 
  • Understand the health of your business - Because PSOhub Insights has built-in reporting and analysis, you can get a better holistic sense of what’s happening across the organization. You’ll see real-time analysis that combines sales, marketing, financial, and project data.
  • Better alignment across teams - Share your insights across teams, so everybody has the same information. Transparency with company data is incentivizing for everyone, and it helps align day-to-day operations with the big-picture goals of your organization. 

How do PSOhub Insights help empower decision-making? 

Meet the ultimate marriage of CRM and project management💍.PSOhub Insights delivers real-time, seamless reporting on your CRM, your projects, and your financials in a handy visual format. This new feature is for all HubSpot Businesses that use PSOhub and is included in all plans! It works like this:

PSOhub Insights gives you built-in custom objects in HubSpot. These custom objects reflect all your project data to be leveraged in reports:

  • Expenses
  • Invoices
  • Projects
  • Timesheets

From here, you can create your own reports in HubSpot based on these custom objects. Your reports include your choice of visual representations of your CRM data, project data, and financial data.

Out-of-box reports with instructions are provided by PSOhub in the reporting module. But you can also create your own custom reports to your heart’s content.

You can then display the reports you’d like to see frequently on your dashboard. This data is updated in real-time, so just a glance can give you accurate insights into your present financial health.

Tip: Most users are going to want to create one dashboard that shows you all your deals and opportunities along with actual project data. 

Boost your HubSpot ROI with PSOhub Insights

We created PSOhub Insights so that HubSpot users can get even more out of their investment in HubSpot. With data-driven insights, HubSpot businesses can now feel empowered to make better decisions. 

PSOhub invites you to boost your HubSpot ROI with the essentials all service businesses need to see. With PSOhub Insights, all it takes is a few clicks to visualize the most important metrics on both the sales and project sides.

PSOhub Insights officially launches in September 2024 for all PSOhub + HubSpot users.