Pipedrive project management
Project Management software for Pipedrive
Unlock the full potential of your Pipedrive ecosystem with streamlined automation, spanning every aspect of your business journey, from prospecting to revenue generation. PSOhub seamlessly integrates with Pipedrive, complementing its functionalities and optimizing workflows to reduce administrative overhead and boost productivity!
"Must have add-on tool for people in Professional Services to manage projects"

All-in-One Project Management for Pipedrive

Break down project management silos
Retain crucial opportunity-related data and deliver a comprehensive overview to relevant stakeholders. Seamlessly integrating the transition from sales to project management can result in significant time savings.

Accounting software integration
Effortlessly handle payment reminders, credits, and other financial tasks by integrating PSOhub with Pipedrive and your chosen accounting software.

Connect Pipedrive & PSOhub now
Find PSOhub on Pipedrive Marketplace. Connect powerful project management tools to Pipedrive for free today.